Moving through Midlife | Movement Snacks for Midlife Moms, Fitness over 40, Lose the Midsection, and Parenting Teens

Movement Snack: Go out and Hang!

May 27, 2021 Courtney Episode 4
Moving through Midlife | Movement Snacks for Midlife Moms, Fitness over 40, Lose the Midsection, and Parenting Teens
Movement Snack: Go out and Hang!
Moving through Midlife
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Movement Snack-get out and hang this weekend!

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​And I touched on some information regarding hanging. And I wanted to take that a step further because it is a very important movement pattern that we should all be practicing. So our shoulders are designed to move in many different directions, they are very mobile joint, yet, most of the time in our everyday life, they are down at our sides. And we are surprised when they become injured when we start to push heavy things over our head, like shoulder presses and picking up our children and bringing them up to our hip or something. And unfortunately, what happens is for many of us, once we hurt ourselves, we think it's the workout that we've done, or we start to question that we've pushed ourselves too hard. But really, it's not the workout design, that's usually the problem, the problem is more about the lack of movement in your own body. So if you are not moving your arms over your head, often, then please don't go out and start lifting heavy weights over your head. It's just it's they're not ready for it. So prepare yourself. And one way that I think it's important to work on preparing ourselves is just getting into a position where arms are over our head and loading that position. So how can we do that one is the hanging bar that I mentioned in children and exercise. So we have a pull up bar in our house, and we use it for our children and for ourselves. And I'm gonna be honest with you, I can't do one single pull up, I can't do it, my upper body strength is not there. So what I use it for is to hang from, I just use it for hanging and it helps to open up my shoulders, it helps to kind of reset my positioning from being in that rounded forward posture that unfortunately, I'm in quite often. But this kind of helps reset, it kind of opens up the shoulder complex, it opens up our chest. So we get a little chest muscles stretch. And it's one of the best things that you can do for your shoulders. If you deal with impingement, if you deal with mid back rounded shoulder or you've got this forward head posture, that's another thing that just getting into that hanging position can help. So that is what I'm going to ask for you to do this week, or just do it for one day. So we've got a nice long weekend coming up, go to a park, play on the monkey bars with your kids. And just hang don't feel like you have to go across the monkey bars or pull yourself up or anything like that just work on hanging. And if you have a pull up bar, awesome. If you don't have one, may I ask that you consider looking into one and just put it in a doorway somewhere that maybe not a lot of people see even into a closet or something where you can keep it hidden. And then you just open it and use it each time you go in and out of the closet. So that would at least be hopefully one time a day.
I see you moms were in your pajamas all day long. Now I have placed a video up on our Instagram raising underscore healthy humans that you can go to and watch to give you some modifications. If you are unable to actually hang with your bodyweight, you can place your feet on the floor and just hang that way. I also have information regarding how you can kind of change up the position because we don't need to be in any one position for very long, extended periods of time, we should move through the positions and see what it feels like just be aware of how our body moves through different positions. So I've got where you've got most of us probably go into a slight rib flare when we bring our arms up over our head. So I've got you working on trying to bring those ribs back and down. I also have information in regards to where your shoulders are trying to let them relax completely so they're up by your ears and then pulling with your scapula back down. So there's a couple of different variations that you can do and just have fun with it. Like I said also I would love for you to join us over in our form fit mom community where I will also be providing information. I will also They'll have all these tips there for you and videos and I can answer any questions if you're feeling any pain or anything. That's what I'm here for. I love talking about posture and helping people with their posture and offering corrective exercise tips and things that you can do to help ease minor aches and pains in your own body. So if you have questions, definitely join me over in the form fitmom community where I can help you answer these kinds of questions. And then also there's lots of information in regards to recipes, we have workouts that you can do and it's just a place for us to be able to interact and get to know one another. So I hope you have enjoyed it. Go out and hang this weekend and I will talk to you again soon.